Icom 7300 WSJT-X Combined With HRD And JT-Alert

Over the past few weeks I've worked to improve operating with WSJT-X. Everything from improving the wide graph (waterfall), logging to HRDLogbook, setting up alerts and improving the Icom 7300 settings. All of it plays a role in WSJT-X and making JT65/JT9 more enjoyable.

The Icom 7300 Settings

Inside the rigs menu things are pretty much the same. If you look at my previous videos I believe I have lowered my USB MOD Level some and my ACC/USB AF Output Level, but that's all. The other settings are the same. I run two cables. The CI-V cable for rig control and the USB cable for data modes and keying.

It's possible to use one USB cable and a virtual serial port emulator to get keying and the use of FSK and CW keying, but I've chosen two cables. I used virtual serial ports with my Flex 1500 and it works, but using two cables seems easier to me.

Important operating settings: NB is turned off, NR is turned off, AGC is turned off, RF Gain down, and FIL1 is set to to 3.6k. Mode is USB-D.

One more important point. An easy way to monitor and adjust the power output in digital modes is to set the radio for 100% RF POWER and use the level slider in the software. See: Icom 7300 Controlling Power Output Digital Modes

Settings in the Icom 7300 Menu snapshots on the next page. Click on the image to bring up the full picture.


I'm an Amateur Radio enthusiast. I love the hobby and experimenting with radios, antennas and software. On my YouTube channel I upload videos on the Icom 7300 and Icom 7610 along with Ham radio software programs. I hope to inspire people to try new things in Amateur Radio.

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7 years ago

What is the internet address for the clock to use with WSPR?

7 years ago

I am now using the NET time for WSJT-X. I had previously asked for your suggestion.

7 years ago

I am having a problem getting the WSPR-X to work display the signals. I am using Icom 7300. Would you also let me call you or you call me? 336 608 4854 home or 336 420 0170 cell

Deryl Holliday, WB4QIZ
7 years ago
Reply to  K0PIR

I do not see a waterfall. I have done what you said except my AGC does not have a fast mode. I am seeing stations coming in and calling CQ. When i enable TX,
it does not transmit. Using ICom 7300 with HRD latest version. . Codec is input and output.

I am using WSFT -x v1.9.0-rc1

Charlie Hoffman - WD4CNO
7 years ago

Do you know a way to change the IC-7300 so that it remembers that I want USB-D?
I want to change the defaults to make it remember USB-D or at least make it remember
the last setting – a manual mode instead of automatically changing the MODE when i change bands.

When I change bands, it changes to LSB or USB depending on the band and I would like it
to stay in the mode that I have selected.

I have missed many calls because of looking at another band then changing back only to find that
I am in USB and not USB-D.

Thanks in advance for any assistance on this matter.

I also want to thank you for the great information provided on the IC-7300/HRD/WJST installation and configuration. I just got back in the hobby after a 40+ year hiatus and your instructions were invaluable.

Thank you for everything you do for this wonderful hobby.

Richard Gussow
7 years ago
Reply to  K0PIR

Hi Rich, I have a related problem. I was running WSJT-X and had no problems, except that while the radio keyed up for transmission but with no output. That was solved when I switched from USB to USB-D. However, yesterday I installed HRD, and switched the WSJT-X settings to HRD from ICOM 7300. However when I tried to use WSJT-X on FT8 as I had in the past, the radio kept switching to USB with no output. I keep having to manually change it back to USB-D with just about every transmission.

Is there a fix for this?

73 de Rich 4Z1JJ

7 years ago
Reply to  K0PIR

Rich – I’ve had the following happen a number of times

1) I use the IC-7300, WSJT-X, and an iMac
2) mostly FT8, everything fine
3) I turn off WSJT, bring up flrig and fldigi, do a little RTTY
4) shut that down, open WSJT
5) now WSJT decodes well, but when I click Enable-Tx or test cat, the rig switched from USB-D to USB

last night I spent a while rebooting, reinstalling WSTJ/slab UART driver, resetting the rig, uninstalling the driver, every combination of things and nothing seemed to fix it – then I saw this thread, clicked on DATA/PKTS and all was well

not happy to leave well enough alone – I tried RTTY again using flrig/FLdig

same result, the radio shows USB-D, but WSJT switches that to USB when test cat is pressed or when Enable TX is clicked

I even have tried with a laptop that I used to use for WSJT and the IC-7300 – same result

any ideas ?

7 years ago

Hi Rick, I have a problem trying to connect my IC-7300 to HRD V5. when I turn on the radio and HRD is open it PTT the radio and if a have the radio turned up and open HRD it PTT the radio. It remains the radio PTT until I turned off. Which one could be the problem?

7 years ago

By the way, I just have the USB cable and I can’t do work the HRD and the WSJT-x at the same time. TNX

7 years ago

in the wjst-x settings just select in settings….mode none…..problim should be solved…..
may have been answered already skimmed replys….. good luck

7 years ago

Most of the images in https://k0pir.us/icom-7300-wsjt-x/2/ are not displaying, just a ?.

7 years ago

Rich – I looked at an old screen shot , I had mode set to none and the radio set to USB-D

Now whatever I set the mode to, the radio goes to USB (not as set USB-D) when I try test cat or enable transmit

Like it’s completely ignoring mode or worse – locked in on USB mode only

7 years ago

Wow – just changed the stop bits from 7-1 to 8-1 and back in business

The mode is set to none, radio to USB-D

Not sure why flrig causes such chaos and why my setup worked before this the other way

What a nightmare

7 years ago

So I just figured out one more clue

Somehow, after I shutdown FLdigi/flrig, my VFO A was in USB-D and VFO-B was USB, so I was working split in WSJT and it did not switch VFO B to USB-D

I thought the radio was switching to USB but actually just moving to VFO-B which was set to USB

Now there might get be something else going on, because I did set WSJT to Data/PKTS and that didn’t help, but now at least I think I understand how to quickly revert it

I just reset both to USB on the rig and set DATA/PKTS and it correctly sets the rig to USB-D

Not sure why I had so much trouble before.

What a mess, they say a good education is expensive, I am learning at the cost of time and lost hair

7 years ago
Reply to  K0PIR

I’m pretty sure that was it – not sure yet when my 2 VF0’s get unsynced, somehow it happens when I fool around w fldigo/flrig

if you press and hold the A/B button while on VFO A, it copied the setup to VFO B – FYI

7 years ago

Hi Rich. Just got my 7300 and hooked it up per your guidelines. One puzzle: The receiving gain showing in the bottom left of the WSTJ-X screen won’t go above 45db even if I turn the ACC/USB AF Output setting to 100% in the 7300. I have checked the level in Windows 10 for this device and it is set at 100 as well. In your screen shots you looked to be getting 60db with the rig set at 45%. With my old setup using Signalink, I could get WSJT-X up as high as I wanted it (typically 60-70 db) by adjusting the Receiver control. Any ideas?
Thanks, Ken

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