Icom 7300 Ham Radio Deluxe v6.5 Rig Control Quick Start

A long time ago I did a 2 minute video setting up the Icom 7300 with Ham Radio Deluxe, but the software has changed and many more new Hams have the Icom 7300. It's time to update with an article and video. Included is how to customize the HRD rig control window with frequently used sliders and a new color scheme. In the old video I was using the free version of Ham Radio Deluxe and today I will be using the latest paid version. It's quite simple once the Icom USB driver is installed and the radio is setup. In this video we will be using one USB cable.

In the future Ham Radio Deluxe will include a panadapter display like DXLab Suite, N1MM Logger+ and other programs. That's the reason for the USB cable instead of the CI-V cable this time.

icom 7300 ham radio deluxe

HRD Rig Control

Icom 7300 USB Driver

Before connecting the USB cable, download and install the Icom USB driver. You can find it here. It's imperative to do this in the proper order. Connecting the cable before installing the Icom driver will cause problems.

Ham Radio Deluxe v6.5

Download and install the latest Ham Radio Deluxe. This is the paid version and there is a 30 day trial. You can find it here: Ham Radio Deluxe.

If you are still interested in the free version and getting it running with the Icom 7300, see this article: Icom 7300 and Ham Radio Deluxe Setup.

Icom 7300 Settings

Here are the screen shots for important settings in the radio. Go to MENU>SET>Connectors.

These settings work with all of the Windows software I use.

I do not have to change anything in the radio when I change software programs.

Ham Radio Deluxe Quick Start

This will work with other transceivers as well. Just use the model radio you have.

  1. Open Ham Radio Deluxe.
  2. The connect window appears
    1. ICOM (or your radios company)
    2. IC-7300 (or your radio model)
    3. Your COM Port
    4. Speed 115,200 (or your speed)
    5. CI-V is default for Icom 7300 (94)
    6. nothing checked for CTS, DTR or RTS
    7. Press Connect.
  3. After connecting one time you will have a preset you can use.
  4. Ham Radio Deluxe Rig Control Opens. Yours will look different because I have customized mine. See the link below.

Ham Radio Deluxe Customized Rig Control Window

The video and images below shows some customization of buttons and sliders that come in handy when operating. There is also a download of my color scheme below.


Icom 7300 Ham Radio Deluxe v6.5 Rig Control Quick Start Video

It's all in the video!

YouTube player

Thank you

Are you waiting for the panadapter display to show up in Ham Radio Deluxe?

I prefer the comment section here or in YouTube over e-mail because your comments and questions will help others as well.

Thank you for subscribing to this website. I appreciate the comments, questions and suggestions. You can follow me on TwitterFacebookInstagram and YouTube if you have those.

Please stay in touch and best 73,

Rich, K0PIR


Icom 7300 USB Driver Download

Ham Radio Deluxe Download

K0PIR IC-7300 Color Scheme for HRD (Download, extract and load file using HRD Customize Layout>Schemes. Download and install at your own risk)


I'm an Amateur Radio enthusiast. I love the hobby and experimenting with radios, antennas and software. On my YouTube channel I upload videos on the Icom 7300 and Icom 7610 along with Ham radio software programs. I hope to inspire people to try new things in Amateur Radio.

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6 years ago

More than a pan adapter, I’d like a meter for SWR. If I am operating remotely, I’d like to make sure the tuner was tuned properly if I changed bands, or depending on the antenna I used.

Jay Kaplan
6 years ago

I keep getting a comment too tong message try to send a comment. not sure why.
Thanks for your website and videos. Own a 7300 and 756proiii.
Won’t say anymore to see if this message works.

Joe Wray
5 years ago

I think the 7300 USB Send/Keying =>USB Send setting should be OFF instead of DTR because when I connect with HRD, Transmit starts automatically. Seems to work OK with DTR OFF. I’m having many problems setting up DM780 and would appreciate more videos/articles on that. Any idea when waterfall is coming to HRD? Thanks, Joe W4FKW

5 years ago

Rich, Thanks for the time put into all these videos and tutorials. I spent many hours on the free version without success with CW keying through the USB, then downloaded the trial version with the same results. No CW keying and I followed All your settings. CW RX works fine. Please help.

The RTS comment one person stated about is true (IF some boxes remain checked) I had to go back and setup the same radio following your steps exactly. (6. nothing checked for CTS, DTR or RTS). Once HRD was rebooted, the radio no longer was stuck in TX.

My radio control TX does key the radio, just nothing in trying to send CW.

Joe, 7J1ADJ

Joe, 7J1ADJ
5 years ago
Reply to  K0PIR

Thanks Rich,

I’m using the IC-7300 and from what I read, I don’t need any other interface for CW keying. I have been asking a lot of questions on facebook and many say it should work but I just can’t find out why mine won’t. Stressed but have not given up. Still looking for a solution.


Joe, 7J1ADJ

5 years ago

Hi Joe, I followed your youtube video on setting up the ic-7300. Upgraded to the latest firmware first, installed the usb driver for it. Started HRD and got the setup screen and all looked good…but when I hit connect it fails to load the frequency. It comes up with a message.

“ic-7300, com 9, 115200”
“Failed to read frequency. If using non standard cable may need to select RTS and/or DTR.
Make sure radio isn’t in memory mode..”.

Any suggestions? I set the radio up same as the first 7 screen captures on your setup page…

Billy (K1UFO)
5 years ago

Hi, thanks for getting back to me. I reloaded the usb driver and now it is in com port 3, but still does not connect to radio.
I have some screen captures I can send you if that helps, I appreciate you helping me with this.
I also tried another usb cable…no help.
Double checked the settings in the radio to match yours…they do.

Billy (K1UFO)
5 years ago

Hi,no I haven’t tried any other program. I will try the one you suggest and see what happens.

Billy k1ufo
5 years ago

Hi Rich, I downloaded the WSJT-X program and installed it. It seems to connect to the radio. I don’t know much when it comes to digital but seems like it would work.

Billy k1ufo
5 years ago

Rich, I got it to work after messing around with settings. Turns out that the USB Serial Function setting was set to RITTY Decode, when I tried the CI-V setting it connected right away when I started the program.>?

Mike Roberge
5 years ago

any idea on why the HRD logbook frequency will not update when I turn the vfo knob on the radio? I have to switch to the Rig Control screen, then click back to the logbook before the logbook frequency will change.

Terry L Hartwell
5 years ago

I want a panadapter…….

5 years ago

I am still not getting any audio into my laptop. Coming from radio. All else works fine in software as far as controlling 7300.

5 years ago

Thanks for this post.

Bob Watson KJ7JDH
4 years ago

Wow, I have been beating my head for months. I can get HRD to see my IC-7300 but can not get the DM780 to send out CW to the radio. All other function seem to work. WSJT-X works fine. There has to be a setting in DM780 that is not right. I think I have tried all but the right one. Let me say that your time and videos are appreciated by more people than just me. Keep it UP if you can.

Bob Watson KJ7JDH

4 years ago

Thanks Rich,
I wanted to just use the single USB cable interface to the IC-7300 from HRD and DM780. I have not used CW since the 60’s so I wanted to just type in and let the software do the code this would allow me to catchup with the code as well. I just don’t understand why wsjt-x program works but HRD does not TX. Although the DM780 looks like it is transmitting the radio never sends. I guess that I will have to get the other cable also if I want it to work.
Thanks and stay safe.

4 years ago

Thanks and Best 73! to you. Keep the faith in what you do. We all need it!

Dale Avery
4 years ago

Hi Rich! I just sold my IC7600 and picked up an IC7300 and and IC9700. Found out that the Icom driver is the same for the 7600 and the 7300 so did not have to download a new one. Used your recommendations above and immediately am connected to the 7300 TU OM!

Next want to install the DXE LOG-PTRX-7300 panadapter module. Have you done a video yet using that module along with HRD?

BEST 73 and keep it up!

Dale WU7X

4 years ago

Rich, I have a curious issue and wonder if you might have seen this.Running latest version of HRD to IC-7300 using FT8. WSJT-X is v2.2.0. Set to rear/data and data/pkt . When I transmit from FT8 the rig shows USB-D, but when it goes back to receive it changes to just USB. That is curious to me, but more important is it is dropping USB-D on some transmissions and not on others. Haven’t been able to find a cure for this problem, but wanted to ask you if you had seen the USB/USB-D switch from TX to RX. Thanks for all the help you provide.

73’s Ted W4YJC

Robert Shick
4 years ago

I’m absolutely new to digital, so trying to get my week old HRD to run on my IC-7300 has been a struggle. I have all my 7300 settings per your screen shots, have the Icom driver installed and HRD automatically connects to the 7300 when it is started some of my settings must be correct. However, when I try to reply to BPSK-31 messages the text in the send window is lined out as it appears in the receive/sent window but the 7300 never changes to transmit but instead remains in receive.
Seems like some simple HRD setting must be wrong, but my lack of familiarity with HRD has me stumped. Do you have any suggestions that might help get HRD running

4 years ago

You really got a terrific web site with lost of useful information.

Still can get the IC 7300 to connect to HRD v6.7.301. Fails to read frequency. Using a Valley Enterprises ICOM USB CT-17 FTDI with FTDI VCP IUSB Driver installed. Downloaded the Icom Driver and connected the USB cable. Both USBs show up in Device Manager (Windows 10-64bit Dell E6410 laptop). Got all you recommended settings for the Icom Connections Menu. Any suggestions?

4 years ago

My PTT is set up as you showed. I tried again tonight with a test message and DM780 worked as expected but the XCVR actually going into XMIT, but then remained in XMIT after the message was “sent.” I hit the XMIT button on the IC-7300 to stop the transmission – and then found the SuperSweeper screen message bar was frozen and no signals were showing on the waterfall. After restarting DM780 program, operation of the SuperSweeper returned to normal. Sounds like I need to talk with HRD for help!. I have reviewed some of their website information but haven’t found anything yet that helps Wish there was a published book like “HRD for dummies!.

Stewart Anderson
2 years ago

Love your guides …Any chance of a quick step by step guide on extracting and loading the HRD color scheme please. I have the zip in my downloads but can’t seem to get it to the correct location. Any guidance appreciated Rich. thanks in advance

1 year ago

The video you embedded above doesn’t allow any controls…no stop/pause/FF etc. makes it very difficult to follow along. There also is not option to open directly on YouTube.

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