Icom 7300 Best Entry Level HF Transceiver


I'm an Amateur Radio enthusiast. I love the hobby and experimenting with radios, antennas and software. On my YouTube channel I upload videos on the Icom 7300 and Icom 7610 along with Ham radio software programs. I hope to inspire people to try new things in Amateur Radio.

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6 years ago

Many, if not most, of the more esoteric, technical, advances Icom has introduced with the 7300 will likely go unappreciated by the ‘average’ amateur radio operator. However, those of us who are technically minded and trained will set this radio well above just entry-level!! It’s a keeper as well as the 7610. Once I learned the 7300, I could not resist spending the extra bucks for the 7610. Good for Icom ! ! !

Dave – WØLEV

Renee Culver
6 years ago

I’ve been a ham for 55 years and I’ve owned some fine rigs. The 7300 looks simple but “entry level” does nor do it justice,

Ken Hendrickson - w6bzy
6 years ago

Thank you for all the great videos. Thanks to one I got DM780 working with my IC-7300.
I see you have used both DXLab and HRD. Maybe a video comparing the?
You may also want to look at Win4Icom Suite.
Any advice for a main software program to use with my 7300? I am mostly using ft-8 now but want to use most digital modes.

Ken Hendrickson - w6bzy
6 years ago

I have the IC-7300, SDRplay RSP1A , Mini Winkey USB, and an antenna designed by W6NBC that I built from a Harbor Freight flagpole. It works well for an area with antenna restrictions but is what I would call a compromised antenna. I have made many contacts with ft-8 but other modes clearly show its’ limitations.
My question is: What would be the best software to effectively use my set up to learn to use cw (probably with decoding software)- I have hearing issues) and RTTY, PSK, and other digital modes.
At 75 this has become my main hobby and I am willing to put the time in to learn a suite like DXLab or Ham Radio Deluxe and have been using computers and software since the 80’s but I would like your input as to which direction to go. Thanks in advance.

6 years ago

I received my 7300 yesterday. I gave up a FTDX5000 for this rig and I am having more fun. I do have one question. How to I get it in SSB USB mode. It switches back and forth between LSB and USB-D. Is USB-D good for SSB?


Brad Rich
6 years ago

I tried to get to USB phone before I connected HRD. I touch the mode, select SSB and I get either USB-D or LSB. I have not seen USB ever while using he rig. Acts like it does not exist. It toggles back and forth from LSB and USB-D. Very strange.

Firmware is 1.12 I think, not 1.3. As soon as I get a card reader for my PC, I will update the firmware but with any firmware, I should be able to get SSB USB.

Once I figure out how to talk and send CW, I will go after the digital modes.

I am assuming when I see LSB mode, I should be able to push LSB again to get USB BUT GOES TO USB-D


Tom Korevec
6 years ago


I have been following your emails and videos for a year now and I respect your advice and could use some at this time.

I sold my ICOM 7300 10 months ago, replacing it with an Elecraft K3S which I am very happy with. I am now trying to settle on a portable solution and have been seriously looking at the Elecraft KX3 with the companion amplifier. However, after watching your recent travel video where you used your ICOM 7300 on the road, I am wondering if the 7300 would be a better solution. Its weight is about the same as the KX3 with amplifier but, as you know, the difference in price is dramatic which I don’t mind paying if that solution is best. I greatly prefer digital modes and I was quite pleased with operating digital on the 7300.

I would very much appreciate any thoughts and advice you have that may help me make my decision.

Thank you!


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