Exploring Florida’s Natural Beauty: Parks On The Air K-7389 Activation

My Parks On The Air activation of K-7389 in Florida was a wonderful and relaxing experience. After HamCation I had some time to activate a few parks and capture some video for publishing on YouTube. The first of such videos is on Cypress Creek Preserve State Conservation Area. Below I'll show you how I found it and what the area was like. If you haven't already, please subscribe to my YouTube Channel, "Ham Radio Adventures With K0PIR."

Parks On The Air Website for Locating Suitable Parks

I use the POTA.app URL for locating parks near me. Just go to https://pota.app/ and sign in. I recommend creating an account if you don't have one. Go to Map button in the Menu and it will prompt you to "know your location." Click "Allow" and it should be able to find your precise location and then you can see the Parks around you. I was in Orlando and after doing some research I chose a few near me and added them to my list of parks to visit. My criteria at the time was to find parks I could camp at with my travel trailer. It took some effort, so I hope you find this post helpful and don't have to research so much yourself.

Cypress Creek Preserve State Conservation Area K-7389

parks on the air In the first video (below) I visited Cypress Creek and it was a little difficult to find, but first I needed to reserve a spot for my camper. Here is the link. It's free of charge, but necessary to get in. I did this one day in advance of my arrival. In the e-mail I received back with my reservation information it had the code for the combination lock on the gate. You'll need it! It also mentions in the e-mail what color is on the lock. This is very important too because they have more than one lock. The lock was stubborn and took some effort to unlock. Persistence was key. If you don't get the reservation confirmation e-mail, check your SPAM folder because that's where mine was. To get to the park I traveled south on highway 41 to highway 583. Turned left and followed it to Collier Pkwy, turned right and followed Collier Pkwy to Parkway Blvd. Traveled a mile or so down Parkway Blvd and the entrance gate is on the left. (map below). Clearly seen in the video below. parks on the air cypress creek

Amenities of Park K-7389

It was a nice spot to camp and plenty of room five RV's. There was a fire ring at each spot and port-a-potty in the common area if you need it. There was also a water spigot. At the camp there is also a nice pavilion for groups or families to gather.

I rely on AT&T cellular service for my phone, and although I had a signal just sufficient to upload my live log, it was inconsistent. It was good enough to send texts and even stream a movie or two, but the connection was often unreliable. I wasn’t using a booster. 📶📱🎥

There are some well marked hiking trails that go into the forest. We stuck to the main road and enjoyed a good trek to get back to nature and relax. If you have a bicycle, the main road would be a nice ride for you. The best thing about this place is the size. The camping spots were a good distance apart from each other. While there, we only had one neighbor the last couple of days camping. Nice! In total I made 118 QSO's using my Icom 7300 and HiQ 5/80 mobile antenna on the rear of the camper. I could have put up a wire easily but opted not to. Propagation was good enough for me to be the NCS of the Breakfast Club Thursday while I was there. I used an Ameritron mobile amplifier while on the net. I have a live log that works when I have Internet access, You can find it here.


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Thank You

I'll have at least two more videos of this length for you to view. Please comment below if you have a recommendation or questions for me. Whether it's about operating, equipment or anything else, I'd love to hear from you. To stay up to date with Mr. B and I on our travels, follow us at TwitterFacebookInstagram and YouTube. If you have any questions or comments about our journey, we invite you to join the conversation in our comment section here or at YouTube. It not only helps you, but other readers as well! Comments really help this website, so please comment below or on YouTube. What have you found to help receive quality? I'm incredibly thankful for all of our subscribers–their support makes this website possible. Stay in touch and warmest holiday wishes & best 73! – Rich, KØPIR

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Links: Southwest Florida Water Management District Parks On The Air - POTA.app K0PIR's Live Log


I'm an Amateur Radio enthusiast. I love the hobby and experimenting with radios, antennas and software. On my YouTube channel I upload videos on the Icom 7300 and Icom 7610 along with Ham radio software programs. I hope to inspire people to try new things in Amateur Radio.

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Francisco Pires de Camargo
1 year ago

Não sou radioamador mas sigo você pois gosto de ver seus vídeos meu filhos e netos moram nos EUA e sou do Brasil s.paulo tenho 87 minha distração e rádio tenho 32 suas peripécias são legal

Translation “I’m not a radio amateur but I follow you because I like watching your videos my children and grandchildren live in the USA and I’m from Brazil s.paulo I’m 87 my distraction and radio I’m 32 your adventures are cool”

Não sou radioamador mais tenho 32 rádios sou amante de rádio sigo sua viagem e seus videos
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