Category: Software


Raspberry Pi 3 Ham Radio Projects

Okay what’s a Raspberry Pi 3 you ask? Simply put, it’s a very small, very inexpensive, linux based pc board. The Raspberry Pi 3 is the latest, fastest and best of all the models. It features built-in Bluetooth and wireless too....


Icom 7300 N1MM Logger Plus Setup

Icom 7300 N1MM Logger Plus: As I get ready to write this I have my N1MM Logger Plus already setup to use in the VOLTA RTTY Contest this weekend. I plan on making a few RTTY (FSK) contacts. N1MM Logger Plus...


Icom 7300 DM780 Setup For PSK31, RTTY and CW

Icom 7300 DM780 Setup: I’m using the free version of Ham Radio Deluxe and DM780 in this example. The free version is still available here. If you like the free version I would suggest you get the paid version at some...


Icom 7300 RTTY FSK with MMTTY and N1MM Logger

I’m operating the Icom 7300 RTTY FSK. Wow, I have wanted to try RTTY (FSK) for years. This is the first radio I could get it setup on without having to buy external equipment. I’ve used AFSK in the past...

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