Category: Icom 7610


A Powerful CW Tool – CW Skimmer (CWS) 170 kHz Wide

Yes, with the Icom 7610 we have a 170 kHz wide spectrum with CW Skimmer! It’s a powerful CW tool for the Amateur Radio operator. The wide settings are a little different than the narrow (24 kHz) settings. Wide is...

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24 kHz CW Skimmer with the Icom 7610 | How To

Icom has really made it easy to have CW Skimmer working with the Icom 7610. First I installed the Icom 7610 I/Q package for HDSDR and got it working. See my article: Icom 7610 HDSDR and Icom I/Q Package. After...

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Icom 7610 HDSDR and Icom I/Q Package

The Icom IC-7610 Preparation Document and Icom 7610 I/Q package is available now! (Links below) With the latest Icom firmware (v1.20, released 8-24-2018) we get use of the USB3.0 port on the rear of the Icom 7610 and now we...

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Icom 7610 RS-BA1 Installation and Settings

I finally made a video on the Icom 7610 RS-BA1 remote software. Although I have not been using it for very long, this first video shows how to install it from the Icom CD-ROM, apply the update from the Icom...


Icom 7610 Heat Sink, Loose or Detached ADC Heatsinks

There’s a new thread in the Icom 7610 forum discussing the Icom 7610 ADC heat sinks. Evidentially, during a production run, one or possibly two heat sinks were not held into place long enough for the adhesive to attach...

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