Category: Ham Radio Equipment
Welcome to the “Category: Ham Radio Equipment”. ” The world of Amateur Radio and its equipment can be a bit overwhelming. Ham Radio and Amateur Radio online equipment. K0PIR has more than 20 years of experience in the amateur radio equipment. Please visit our website today for information on Ham radio equipment.
This category contains articles detailing various HF radios, 2 meter and/or dual band (2m/440) radios used by amateur radio enthusiasts (hams).
Today there is a considerable amount of ham radio gear available. While buying gear new has many advantages, it be more costly than buying used. By buying used gear considerable cost savings can be made. While there are advantages to buying used gear, there are also some pitfalls and it is necessary to be very careful not to buy an item that may have faults in it and one that may negate any savings that can be made.
Although the second hand sales advertisements are not as extensive as they used to be, there is still a good selection of used ham radio gear available. Looking at the advertisements at the back of many ham radio magazines, or in the used ham radio gear lists of many dealers, a huge variety of all sorts of equipment can be seen. Transmitters, receivers, HF transceivers, VHF / UHF handhelds, SWR meters and much more can be seen.

Slinky…Slinky it’s a Wonderful Antenna! Remember the Slinky? That classic toy that could “walk” down stairs, captivating children since the 1940s? Well, it turns out the Slinky is more than just a playful item; it also serves as a surprisingly...
Here is my improved PTT muting circuit! I’ve seen at least a few PTT muting circuits for Web radios, but this one I helped design and so I’ll name it the “MuteMate” Basically what it does is mute the computer...
Hey there, Ham friends! If you’re passionate about amateur radio, you’ll be thrilled to learn about the latest addition to the world of ham radio gear: the KH1 Hand-Held 5-Band Transceiver. This pocket-sized wonder is taking the amateur radio community...
So you’ve seen all the hype about the New Kenwood TH-D75A. Here’s my breakdown. After reading, do you think this is the ultimate portable transceiver? I researched the best videos on YouTube and made a playlist for your conveience. (See...
Recently, I had the chance to view (videos) the new Icom ID-50A. From what I saw, it looks like a solid option for amateur radio operators seeking an efficient and effective handheld transceiver. With its impressive features and specs, this...
As in the title this is a lite CW paddle that is made for portability. Just what a Ham needs in their camper. This paddle features a light and portable design, perfect for traveling hams. Whether you’re headed out...
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