Author: K0PIR


DXLab Commander Buttons and Sliders for the Icom 7300 and Icom 7610

DXLab Commander customization is easier than I thought for the Icom 7300 and Icom 7610. I’ve added some buttons (sequences) and sliders to control the radio. I don’t use the software rig control very much, but I have found these...

Hi-Q 5/80 mobile installation 8

Mobile HF Antenna Installation

This is what I’ve been working on the last two weeks. Have you seen the Hi-Q 5/80 mobile HF antenna? All I can say is, WOW! It’s a 5 inch coil mounted on a two foot mast. I picked up...

icom 7610 spectrum scope 9

Icom 7610 Spectrum Scope Display Variations

The Icom 7610 spectrum scope and display is just as good as any I have ever seen on a modern ham radio transceiver. It is the best touchscreen on any HF radio today. When compared to the Icom 7300, it...

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