Author: K0PIR


Downloading GridTracker for HRD and WSJT-X

In this post I am going to go over downloading GridTracker (GT) and using it with WSJT-X and Ham Radio Deluxe (HRD). We can use QSO Forwarding in HRD Logbook to receive contacts (QSO’s) from WSJT-X because it’s easy and...

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GridTracker, WSJT-X and Log4OM

Wow look at this world map with GridTracker! This little program integrates nicely with WSJT-X and Log4OM. It’s similar to JT Alert, but it has an awesome map. This is my go-to companion app for WSJT-X. GridTracker started out as...

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Homebrew Wire Antennas for Portable Ops

Hello again! I am operating portable with some different wire antennas.This trip in the Black Hills of Wyoming I am trying out a new Dual Ferrite Variable 9:1 Unun with 64 feet of wire and a homebrew 80 Meter Inverted...

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