Amateur Radio In Ukraine

A February 24, 2022 decree from President Volodymyr Zelensky included “a ban on the operation of amateur radio transmitters for personal and collective use.” The Ukraine Amateur Radio League (UARL/LRU) reported that it has received many messages of encouragement from the worldwide amateur radio community.

amateur radio kyiv Ukraine article

Kyiv, Ukraine

Any radio amateur currently transmitting from Ukraine is risking his or her life. If you hear a Ukrainian station, do not broadcast its callsign, location or frequency — whether on the band, in a cluster or on social media. You may be putting lives at risk.” - IARU-R1

Amateur Radio Ukraine

With traditional means of communication such as phone and internet lines often cut off, eventually, Amateur Radio could become an essential lifeline for many people in the country.

amateur radio ukraine article

When permitted at a later date, Amateur Radio operators could help connect people in a number of ways, including by providing information, news and even helping to coordinate humanitarian aid efforts. In addition, Amateur Radio operators would be able to connect people with loved ones who are displaced or in areas that are cut off from communication. This would be extremely helpful. As the conflict in Ukraine continues, we'll be on the sidelines waiting for when Amateur Radio can be used.

For now keep checking the links below for updates. I am sure in the future Amateur Radio operators will play an important role helping to connect people and provide vital information and assistance.


Thank you

If I have missed something on this Ukraine post or you have a shareable link, please let me know by commenting below. Also, I am good on

If you would like to donate have a look at World Central Kitchen.

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Stay in touch, stay safe and best 73,

Rich, K0PIR

Sources and References:

M17 Project Crisis in Ukraine

Southgate Amateur Radio News

Ukraine: Poland's radio amateurs provide WinLink email links

HF Underground



I'm an Amateur Radio enthusiast. I love the hobby and experimenting with radios, antennas and software. On my YouTube channel I upload videos on the Icom 7300 and Icom 7610 along with Ham radio software programs. I hope to inspire people to try new things in Amateur Radio.

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