Ham Radio with K0PIR "Icom 7300, Icom 7610, Elecraft K3S, KX2 and Software Tutorials"

cw skimmer 8

24 kHz CW Skimmer with the Icom 7610 | How To

Icom has really made it easy to have CW Skimmer working with the Icom 7610. First I installed the Icom 7610 I/Q package for HDSDR and got it working. See my article: Icom 7610 HDSDR and Icom I/Q Package. After...

hrd logbook 43

HRD Logbook and WSJT-X Integration | New HRD v6.4.0.886

HRD Logbook now includes “QSO Forwarding”. With QSO forwarding in HRD Logbook there’s no need to use JT Alert, although JT Alert is still beneficial to many users, including myself. According to the author, “Ham Radio Deluxe Logbook receives QSOs...

parks on the air 6

Parks On The Air | I’m Activating Yellowstone National Park

It’s been a long time since I’ve participated in Parks On The Air. During the week of September 2nd I will be operating in Yellowstone National Park. I’ve scheduled Sept 3rd thru the 5th at the POTA website to activate...

icom 7610 hdsdr 30

Icom 7610 HDSDR and Icom I/Q Package

The Icom IC-7610 Preparation Document and Icom 7610 I/Q package is available now! (Links below) With the latest Icom firmware (v1.20, released 8-24-2018) we get use of the USB3.0 port on the rear of the Icom 7610 and now we...

FT8Call 8

New Mode FT8Call Hitting The Ham Bands

FT8Call is a new mode on the Ham bands and it has it own software which is also called FT8Call. It is similar to FT8, but we are able to make longer transmissions. The software is based on WSJT-X, so...

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