Ham Radio with K0PIR "Icom 7300, Icom 7610, Elecraft K3S, KX2 and Software Tutorials"


Icom 7610 Firmware V1.30 – Scroll Mode Added

Firmware update for the Icom 7610. Icom 7610 firmware V1.30 adds the scroll mode operation. You can download the firmware update information here (the link to the actual update is below.) There are a couple of other changes that will...

Log4OM Fldigi CAT Keying 0

Log4OM Fldigi Setting Up Easy RTTY PSK31 CW

I had a wonderful time in Arizona and New Mexico, but it’s good to be back home and using the Icom 7610. The Icom 7610 Fldigi, Log4OM, WSJT-X, GT and now add Fldigi to the mix for Easy RTTY (AFSK),...

bisbee arizona 0

JS8Call Setup for Log4OM

What you have been waiting for. JS8Call setup for logging to Log for the Old Man, Log4OM. Simple, easy and free with video!


Downloading GridTracker for HRD and WSJT-X

In this post I am going to go over downloading GridTracker (GT) and using it with WSJT-X and Ham Radio Deluxe (HRD). We can use QSO Forwarding in HRD Logbook to receive contacts (QSO’s) from WSJT-X because it’s easy and...

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